DR Gregory Landsman
MY philosophy was captured in my first book and underpins all of the work that I do...
I wrote The Balance of Beauty Explodes the Body Myth when I was in my early thirties, more than thirty years ago, and if I look back now, it was ultimately borne from my own challenges. Growing up in Apartheid South Africa gave me an understanding of how it felt to be rejected and beaten on a daily basis for my differences.
At the other end of the scale, my career in the fashion and beauty industry gave the opposite experience. What didn't make sense to me was that I was the same person, being either embraced or rejected purely because of my differences and the way I looked.
From these extremes of experience I came to understand that while it is important to care for the outside and be the best version of ourselves at every age, it is our humanity and what we bring to the world that makes us truly beautiful human beings.
The philosophy uses the acronym 'BEAUTY' and serves as a reminder that for real beauty to be a part of my life I need to incorporate self care and self acceptance. I need to understand the fragility of the human body and embrace the strength of the human spirit, knowing that we all possess beauty at every age and every stage of our lives.
After all 'BEAUTY' is not about masculinity or femininity, but about humanity and the divine differences we all bring to the world.
I incorporate this philosophy in all of the work that I do as a reminder that when we remove the stress of needing to look a certain way to be valued, accepted and loved, we can live peacefully with ourselves and others and feel confident in our skin. And when we do, we will naturally look and feel our best.
The Balance of Beauty Philosophy
B Balance - a balance of inner virtues that radiate outwardly and shapes our beauty and our lives.
E Enthusiasm - to show enthusiasm for who we are and all aspects of ourselves.
A Acceptance - accepting ourselves as a whole without isolating or fragmenting beauty to certain physical characteristics.
U Understanding - we were born whole and beautiful and along the way, educated to doubt it. But if we have the ability to create insecurity, we have the ability to eliminate it.
T Trust - learning to trust in who we are and value what we represent in the world.
Y You are beautiful for no other reason than you are human, and have what it takes to create the life and love you know you deserve...and to never settle for anything less.
Gregory Landsman
'Taking the Stress out of Beauty!'

Real beauty is a celebration of all that you are
It is the way you think
The way you feel
The way you live and the way you love
Not only yourself but others
Gregory Landsman